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Get Professional Help for Your Business.
bstarExpert Services

Stop Struggling, Start Thriving with bstarExperts.

Running a business shouldn't be a constant struggle. At bstardigital, our team of seasoned professionals becomes your team. We offer customized solutions to build, boost, and manage your business, tailored to your specific needs.

We've been there - the long hours, the roadblocks, the feeling of being overwhelmed. That's why we provide reliable, expert guidance every step of the way. With our comprehensive services, you can achieve:

  • Effortless Management: Free yourself from operational headaches and focus on what matters most - growing your business.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline processes, save time, and see results with our data-driven approach.
  • Customized Solutions: Get a plan that perfectly aligns with your unique goals and challenges.

Stop managing your business alone. Partner with bstarExperts and confidently take it to the next level.

Building your website and online platform

From a sleek online business card to a powerful e-commerce platform, we craft the perfect digital solution for you.

Boost &
Marketing Services

We customize our services to suit the specific requirements of your business for one goal only: to get you more customers.

Customer Services &
AI automation

AI is opening new doors, and automation in customer service can help save costs and streamline processes.

At a glance - bstarExpert Services.

All bstarExpert services at your disposal.

Email Marketing

  • bstarMailer - Experience Professional Email Marketing
    We help you to get started with your email campaigns or run them for you.
  • Email verification - Don't Get Blacklisted!
    We verify your email lists and identify undeliverable addresses.
  • bstarLeads - Build Targeted Email Lists
    Struggling to build a targeted email list? bstarLeads, our managed service, streamlines the process.

SEO Marketing

  • bstarSEO - Unlock Greater Visibility and Lead Generation
    We help you find the right keywords for your content, analyze competitors, and improve your search engine visibility.
  • bstarSEO reports - Get valuable insights, and concise information.
    We conduct a comprehensive on-site audit and provide actionable recommendations to optimize your website.
  • bstarSEO backlinks - Boost Your Rankings with Powerful Backlinks.
    Our comprehensive backlink building service helps you acquire high-quality backlinks from relevant websites, boosting your search engine ranking and driving organic traffic.

More Marketing Services

  • Social Marketing - Maximize Your Reach.
    We'll guide you through building your social media strategy and get you started quickly.
  • Partner Marketing - Start Boosting Your Online Revenue.
    We'll help you find the right sales partners for your project and increase your sales.
  • Engage Marketing - Increase Your Conversions.
    We guide you through optimizing website engagement and conversions.

Business Strategies

  • Growth and Sales Strategies - We've got you.
    Need a sales and customer growth strategy? Our team of experts has years of experience crafting customized strategies that get results. We'll tailor a plan to your specific business needs and help you achieve your growth goals.

Content Creation

  • bstarAI Content Creator - Create Unique Content Instantly.
    Get valuable tips to streamline your workflow and produce high-quality content consistently.
  • bstarPixa - Empower Your Creativity.
    We can create graphic templates tailored to your business needs, or handle the entire creation process for you.

Build Pages & Websites

  • One-Page or Landing Page Website.
    We create stunning one-page websites and landing pages tailored to the specific or your business.
  • Multi-Page Website.
    We can also build multi-page websites to suit your needs.
  • bstarBuild Pro Services - Professional Websites Made Easy.
    We transform your vision into a customized website or online platform that perfectly meets your needs and drives results. Leveraging our custom-built tools and extensive experience, we offer high-quality websites at a fraction of the traditional cost. Don't settle for generic solutions – let bstardigital build a website that sets your business apart.


  • bstarAI Sales & Support - Revolutionize Customer Engagement with bstarAI.
    We engineer and deploy advanced AI chatbots uniquely designed for your specific sales and support needs. Our dedicated team continuously analyzes user interactions to optimize performance, ensuring your chatbots become ever-evolving problem-solving experts, delivering exceptional customer experiences.
  • bstarCRM - Make Your Business Life Easier.
    Get Started with Confidence: Our Experts Set Up Your bstarCRM. bstarCRM empowers you to deliver exceptional service effortlessly. We'll guide you through a smooth implementation process, ensuring your CRM is optimized to keep clients happy and your business thriving.
  • bstarForms - Up Your Business Game with bstarForms.
    We create visually appealing, multipurpose forms that seamlessly blend with the design of your website. You tell us what you want and we do it for you.

Global Services

  • bstarCloud - Scale your business.
    bstarCloud operates as a managed service, wherein we handle certain cloud service tasks for you. For instance, you have the flexibility to relocate or duplicate your bstarSites or bstarShops to other data center locations or install demo data sets to speed up your setup processes.
  • bstarDNS - We manage your domains.
    Elevate your domain management with bstarDNS – an ultra-fast DNS platform tailored for the next generation of applications. Seamlessly connect your domains and entrust us with your Domain and DNS settings.
  • bstarVideo - Streaming that just works. At any scale.
    Enhance user experience and ensure unbeatable performance and reliability for your video content with our cutting-edge CDN system. This is a managed service. bstarVideo guarantees exceptional quality and seamless delivery for your customers.