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SEO: Your Secret Weapon for Long-Term Social Media Success

Understanding SEO grants a significant edge in social media marketing. Analyzing 25,000 social posts across various platforms revealed a harsh reality: 98% garner minimal views and reach beyond 58 hours. Worse yet, 73% of engagement happens within the first 24 hours.

So, why settle for fleeting views? The key lies within the remaining 2% of posts that continue attracting traffic even after 58 hours. Some even experience a surge in views and reach 30 days later! Interestingly, the platform wasn't the differentiator. While long-term traffic is easier to achieve on YouTube, it's possible on TikTok, Instagram, and others.

The secret sauce? Two key ingredients:

  • Evergreen Topics: Content that remains valuable not just today, but a month, two months, or even a year from now.
  • Popularity: Researching and creating content around trending topics attracts more traffic.

Here's where SEO knowledge becomes your social media superpower. SEO heavily relies on keyword research and crafting evergreen content – precisely the elements that fuel long-term social media reach.

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