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bstarCRM Changelog

Release May-03 2024

[New Feature] - Support tickets - Canned messages
[New Feature] - Clone Contracts 
[New Feature] - Clone Proposals 
[New Feature] - Schedule invoice publishing 
[New Feature] - Schedule estimate publishing 
[New Feature] - CRM wide dynamic search 
[New Feature] - Tasks cover images 
[New Feature] - Leads cover images 
[New Feature] - Tags on files & attachments 
[New Feature] - Detailed reports
[New Feature] - Direct URL to view estimates without logging into the CRM
[New Feature] - Export projects
[New Feature] - Bulk change project statuses
[New Feature] - Bulk assign projects
[New Feature] - Bulk change leads status
[New Feature] - Custom table column view (Leads)
[New Feature] - Bulk change leads status
[New Feature] - Bulk assign leads
[New Feature] - Archive support tickets
[Improvement ] - Additional date formats
[Improvement ] - Ability to reset user's current theme setting
[Improvement ] - Filter expenses by team members
[Fixed] - Various bugs


R4 | Feb-06 2024

Initial release

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