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bstarEngage Changelog

Release May-03 2024

[New Feature] - Implemented the Custom Domains functionality - where people can now submit custom domains and have custom pixel JS links with their own domains.
[New Feature] - Implemented a new Statistics page that will show the overall stats of the whole account campaigns.
[New Feature] - Implemented Campaigns Bulk Deletion capability.
[New Feature] - Reworked and Implemented Notification Data Bulk Deletion capability.
[New Feature] - Implemented the ability to export Notifications to CSV, JSON, PDF.
[New Feature] - Implemented the ability to export Campaigns to CSV, JSON, PDF.
[Improvement] - All default image links of notifications are now stored locally to be more performant and prevent potential tracking via external links.
[Improvement] - Reworked the default colors of numerous popup widgets to look better by default.
[Improvement] - Reworked numerous widgets on styling to make them look more clean and better.
[Improvement] - Live counter widget now has a remade and better pulse animation.
[Improvement] - Color transparency can now be used for all color pickers when editing a notification widget.
[Improvement] - Now you can easily preview the Close button and the Branding without saving and reloading the notification editing page.
[Improvement] - Improved responsiveness in the Coupon notification widget.
[Improvement] - Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
[Fixed] - Various bugs


R4 | Feb-06 2024

Initial release

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