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GDPR toolkit.

Comply with EU regulations.
  • GDPR toolkit.

    This service is fully managed. Share details about your project with us, and we will develop a GDPR script tailored to your requirements, seamlessly incorporating it into your project.

    The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It regulates the processing and protection of personal data of individuals within the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). The GDPR aims to strengthen data protection rights and provide individuals with greater control over their personal information.

Your GDPR toolkit licenses.

GDPR toolkit is included in our bstarOne packages. You can see the number of licenses that can be issued for you in the list based on your subscription plan. You can easily add more licenses at any time.
With bstarOne, unlock a world of possibilities to optimize and streamline your digital business.
  • bstarOne Entrepreneur
    No. of licenses: 3 / 1 Website per license
  • bstarOne Agency
    No. of licenses: 5 / 1 Website per license
  • bstarOne Free Trial
    No. of licenses: 1 / 1 Website per license