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Email verification.

Don't Get Blacklisted! Protect Your Sender Reputation with Email Verification.
  • Email verification.

    Our managed email verification service cleans your email list for better deliverability. Send us your list and we'll verify it in 24 hours.

    The Importance of Email Verification for Healthy Email Marketing

    Ever hit send on an email only to have it bounce back? Frustrating, right? Especially for businesses that rely on email marketing, ensuring you have valid email addresses is crucial. This is where email verification comes in.

    What is Email Verification?

    Email verification is like double-checking your mailing list. It confirms that email addresses are real and can receive messages. This helps businesses keep their email lists clean and improve their email marketing efforts.

    Why Verify Your Email List?

    1 Boost Campaign Performance:
    Unverified addresses lead to inaccurate results. You might think your campaign is doing well based on open rates, but if many addresses are invalid, your true reach is lower.

    2 Protect Your Sender Reputation:
    Email providers track how often you send emails to bad addresses. Too many bounces can hurt your reputation and make it harder to get future emails delivered.

    3 Maintain List Hygiene:
    Verification helps identify invalid or outdated addresses. Remove these from your list to save time and money on sending emails that won't be received.

Your Email verification licenses.

Email verification is included in our bstarOne packages. You can see the number of licenses that can be issued for you in the list based on your subscription plan. You can easily add more licenses at any time.
For lists exceeding 3,000 email addresses, please contact us for custom options.
  • bstarOne Entrepreneur
    No. of licenses: 2 lists per month / up to 3.000 Email addresses
  • bstarOne Agency
    No. of licenses: 5 lists per month / up to 3.000 Email addresses
  • bstarOne Free Trial
    No. of licenses: not available

Take Control of Your Email Campaigns.

  • At a glance
    Professional email marketing starts with clean data. Our managed email verification service ensures your list is accurate and ready to deliver within 24 hours. This step is especially crucial if you build lists using website scraping tools. Our experience shows these lists often have bounce rates exceeding 5%, which can quickly get your sender domain blacklisted.
  • Easy handling
    Send us your list for quick verification! We'll get you back a cleaned version with all the correct information, along with any items that couldn't be verified within 24 hours.
  • Using bstarMailer
    Using bstarMailer and in need to update your email list for sending campaigns?

    Check out the FAQ article to learn more about it.