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bstarOne applications to boost

local & digital businesses.

All the tools you need to thrive locally & digitally.
  • At a glance.

    bstarOne's extensive range of applications includes email marketing, SEO marketing, social marketing, partner marketing and engage marketing. Let’s explore each of these tools:

  • Email Marketing:
    Email marketing can be a powerful tool for driving sales. You can use email to promote new products and services, offer special discounts, and send abandoned cart reminders. Compared to traditional advertising methods, email marketing is very affordable. You can create and send targeted email campaigns to a large audience for a fraction of the cost of paid ads.
  • SEO Marketing:
    SEO helps your business show up higher in search results for relevant local searches. So, when someone searches for "plumber near me" or "best bakery downtown," your business has a better chance of being seen. Ranking high in local search results builds trust and credibility for your business. Potential customers see you as a prominent player in the market, making them more likely to choose you over competitors.
  • Partner Marketing:
    Partner marketing can be a strong tool to expand reach and customer base. A key benefit of affiliate marketing is the performance-based payment structure. You only pay affiliates when they generate a sale or lead, minimizing financial risk and maximizing return on investment (ROI).
  • Social Marketing:
    Regularly posting engaging content keeps your business name fresh in people's minds. The more you engage, the more people will recognize and trust your brand.
  • Website engagement:
    Website engagement is about keeping visitors interested and actively involved with your site. This can lead to higher conversion rates, stronger brand loyalty, and a more successful online presence.