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Accepting Payments


bstarCRM makes it very easy for you to get paid by your clients.

Payments in the CRM can be processed via a third party provider called a Payment Gateway or as offline payments (such as bank transfers).

bstarCRM has in-built support for various payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, Razor & Mollie. You will need to signup for an account with your preferred payment gateway.

To get started, review the documentation for your selected payment gateway.


Stripe Payment Gateway

The Stripe settings page allows you to add Stripe as a payment method for your clients to use when paying for their invoices.

Information Required

  • Publishable Key – You can get this from inside your Stripe dashboard (details are given below).

  • Secret Key – You can get this from inside your  Stripe dashboard (details are given below).

  • Signing Key – You can get this from inside your Stripe dashboard (details are given below).

  • Currency – The currency that your clients will pay in. You will need to enter a currency code that is supported by Stripe. For a full list of supported currency codes, click here.

  • Display Name – This is just the name/title that your clients will see when selecting this payment method.

  • Publishable Key & Secret Key

To get your publishable key and your secret key, follow the steps given below:

  • Whilst logged in your Stripe dashboard, click on Developers > API Keys



Webhooks URL

Important:  Stripe Webhooks URL

You must copy the Stripe Webhooks URL from your CRM dashboard  and add it inside your Stripe dashboard. Stripe will use this url to communicate with your CRM dashboard.

If you do not complete this step, payments will not be processed correctly.

Below are instructions on how to add this url inside your Stripe dashboard.

Whilst logged in your Stripe dashboard, do the following (also illustrated on the image below)

  • Click on Developers > Webhooks
  • Click on Add endpoint
  • A popup window will open
  • Copy the Webhooks URL from your CRM dashboard and paste it in the Endpoint URL field
  • Select the Latest API version
  • Click on receive all events
  • Save



Signing Key

After you have added the Webhooks URL as shown above, you will now need to get the Signing Key given for that Webhook.

Follow the steps below to get your webhooks signing key

  • Whilst logged in your Stripe dashboard, click on Developers > Webhooks
  • You will now see a section title Endpoints.
  • In that section, you will see the webhook that you added in the previous set (above)
  • Click on the webhook
  • On the next screen, you will see your Signing Secret key. Copy it and paste it inside your bstarCRM dashboard.


Enable Payment Method

Remember to check the (Enable Payment Method) box if you are ready to start using the Stripe payment gateway.



Paypal Payment Gateway

The PayPal settings page allows you to add Paypal as a payment method for your clients to use when paying for their invoices.

Information Required

  • Email Address – This is your Paypal email address.
  • Currency – The currency that your clients will pay in. You will need to enter a currency code that is supported by Paypal. For a full list of supported currency codes, click here.
  • Display Name – This is just the name/title that your clients will see when selecting this payment method.

Important:  Paypal IPN URL

The IPN URL allows PayPal to confirm a payment with the dashboard. Normally, the IPN URL is sent automatically to PayPal, during checkout. However, if your payments are not showing up in the dashboard, you may need to manually add the IPN URL, directly inside your PayPal Account.

Below are instructions on how to add this url inside your Paypal dashboard.

  • Copy the IPN URL from inside your CRM dashboard (as shown in the image above)
  • Log in to your Paypal account as usual.
  • Paste the URL shown below, in your browser window, and click enter.
  • You will see a screen similar to the one shown below.
  • Click on Choose IPN Settings
  • Add the IPN URL that you copied from the dashboard
  • Select Receive IPN messages (Enabled)
  • Click Save

Sandbox Mode

Sandbox is a testing mode. This is a feature provided by Paypal, which allows you to carry out test transactions. For more information on Paypal Sandbox mode, click here.

Note, this is just an additional feature, which is not required for you to start processing payments. Ensure that this button is not selected if you want to process real payments.

Enable Payment Method

Remember to check the (Enable Payment Method) box if you are ready to start using the Paypal payment gateway.



Subscription Settings

The subscription settings page allows you to change various aspects of how the Dashboard handles subscription s. Below are the various settings and their explanations.

On this page you will be able to apply the following settings:

  • Invoice Prefix. This is any text you want to be prefixed to the invoice number.
  • Example INV- will create invoices as follows: INV-000276
  • Recurring Invoice – Due Date Allowance – The number of days before a nearly created, recurring invoice, becomes due.
  • Terms and conditions – The default terms and conditions that are displayed on an invoice. These terms can also be changed when creating or editing an invoice.

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